

Tender mercies

Heavenly Father is in the details.
He knows exactly what we need,
and when we need it.
I think this is definitely what Sister Brown would call a tender mercy.


God loves broken things

Broken clouds give rain

Broken soil grows grain
Broken bread feeds man for one more day
Broken storms yield light
The break of day heals night
Broken pride turns blindness into sight

Broken souls that need His mending
Broken hearts for offering
Could it be that God loves broken things?

Broken chains set free
Broken swords bring peace
Broken walls make friends of you and me
To break the ranks of sin
To break the news of Him
To put on Christ till His name feels broken in

Broken souls that need His mending
Broken hearts for offering
I believe that God loves broken things

And yet our broken faith, our broken promises
Sent love to the cross
And still, that broken flesh, that broken heart of His
Offers us such grace and mercy
Covers us with love undeserving

This broken soul that cries for mending
This broken heart for offering
I'm convinced that God loves broken me

Praise His name, my God loves broken things.

- Kenneth Cope


hi, i know we haven't talked in a while but its whatever

hmmmm high school. i dont really know how i feel about it yet. sometimes i feel like its completely over rated. every day im surrounded by people that think they're the cheese. physics has started to eat away my sanity. just when i feel like im starting to understand something... i don't. seminary has to be one of the things i look forward to the most. it lifts up my sagging soul and drooping smile, it also brings sunshine into my day.

like janna said, "friendships are dropping like flys."
i couldnt agree more.
somedays I'm think "its ok, they can do what they want with there life"
 but what happens is i set up my wall and act like it doesnt matter.
but on the inside i cant help but let everything crumble down 
it hurts deep

this is why i love lacrosse. go work my bummm off and at the same time watch my sadness get left behind. working hard at something i love is one of the most rewarding things ever. climbing up hills while carrying someone on your back, sprinting till your body almost breaks down, and working the fundamentals everyday pays off.

this week i had a game and i scored a goal! naogialjs;ga aojaoga;jgda loajf;oajsglja;j aojajadb;oad;iogad oiajo;iagijga literally one of the best feelings EVER! its what i have been working so hard on for the past forever, and it was with my left hand (which i cant shoot with worth crap)! i literally started crying... best feeling ever.

what high school has taught me so fare is that you can't rely on someone else to make your life good, you have to do it yourself. you have to focus on the people and the things in life that make you happy.


all you'd ever need

sometimes you go through hard times when you dont know what to do or how to get through life,
but all you can do is trust in what you DO know and keep going

heavenly father has a plan. i know this because i've seen it in action and i've seen how it changes lives

i know he has a plan 

i know he loves me

and thats all i need


One of the best things about life is doing the unexpected
When you do the unexpected,
theres always a good story that follows


I'd lie

Yes, I could tell you his favorite color is blue. He loves to argue, born on the 24. His sisters beautiful. He has his fathers eyes, and if you asked me if I loved him... I'd lie.